What To Do Instead of Scrolling on Tok Tok

  1. Go for a run. Exercise releases so many endorphins in your brain and it is so much better than doom scrolling.
  2. Try a new recipe. If any of you are like me and love cooking, then get off your phone and try that new recipe you saw.
  3. Play a card game. If you're going to get unnecessarily angry, it no much more fun to do so during a game of UNO than because you saw a video you disliked.
  4. Read a book. If you need constant engagement, then pick up a new book. So many good releases have come out this past year that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  5. Draw. Let your creative juices flow. It doesn't have to be perfect, just put pencil to paper and let your brain do the rest.
  6. Clean your room. Having a clean room means having a clean mind, and who doesn't like it wen their room is freshly tidied?
  7. Go for a drive. Personally, I find nothing more peaceful than a solo drive on some backroads while playing some good music. Theres no better way to clear your head.
  8. Clean out your closet. One of the best feelings is a closet refresh. Get rid of anything you don't wear and donate it to charity.
  9. Schedule your next doctor/dentist/oil change. It's good to plan in advance.
  10. Call someone you miss. Chances are they miss you too.
  11. Go sit at the park and watch the birds.
  12. Have a self care night. Face masks, nail polish, a bubble bath. Name a better feeling.
  13. Write your to-do list for the week. I find writing lists to be incredibly calming (clearly).
  14. Go get ice cream. Seriously. Who doesn't like ice cream?
  15. Learn how to do a really oddly specific niche party trick. Personally I find nothing more hilarious than an oddly niche party trick (my go to is the worm).
  16. Go on a solo day trip somewhere close by and explore the area
  17. Start a scrapbook full of your favorite memories
  18. Take a nap. Anythings better than endlessly scrolling.TikTok Claims the App Now Tops 1 Billion Daily Active Users - Variety
